kyjohnso dot com

This is my space for collecting some interesting projects I have worked on. Enjoy -

AI Alignment Fundamentals Course

I am currently working through the blue dot impact course on AI Alignment Blue Dot Impact AI Alignment. In this course we are exposed to a wide variety of AI alignment techniques, ideas, and research approaches. We are invited during the last third to complete a research project to add to the AI Alignment community. I will be keeping notes on this page about this process.

I have also been engaging a local chat group on some high level questions about AI Alignment Philosophy and will be including those prompts here as well.

Distribution of AI

Tipping Point

A thought I have been pondering recently: assuming the economic, leisure, and cultural benefits of AI are very large (they may not be but lets assume they are), what are the major tipping points or key factors that will determine if these AI resources are concentrated in the hands of a few AI elite, or the AI upper class; or are spread out in society for everyone's benefit? Is it education, fear, use in businesses, open source models, or something else that could make the difference between it being available to the masses vs locked away?

AI Unlearning

Knowledge Removal

There is significant research into AI alignment at the fine-tuning stage. Several techniques attempt to make LLMs forget, or unlearn harmful knowledge that the base model acquired in the training phase on bulk internet data. We try to make it "unlearn" how to make a bomb, or how to make a nerve-agent for example. Is this wise? Don't we want LLMs to have harmful knowledge so that they can recognize it, as it comes up in prompts? Does this have parallels for human knowledge? Is there "harmful knowledge" that we should try to unlearn as a society?

Blender Con 2024

I was fortunate to have my talk selected for Blender Con 2024. I expected to have just a 20 minute talk but I was slotted for a live 50-minute walkthrough of some of the projects that appear on this page. I began with a walkthrough of the geometry nodes approach to modeling parametric surfaces, then demonstrated how to use modifiers and scripting to model the 3D dodecahedron moon.

Rendered Moon
Printed Moon

The files referenced in the video can be found at blender con 24 files.

All 12 moon .stl files are available under a Creative Commons license at

Ideal Gas Simulation

My daughter was studying the states of matter in her science class and she had a fairly good grasp of the molecular (non-quantum) mental model of matter and how it translates to the physical properties of the material in different states. She, however had a bit of trouble with visualizing why an ideal gas will take the shape of its container. After much explaining, pretending we were molecules and dancing around, and throwing fruit off the walls and ceiling of the kitchen, we decided to have chatgpt help us visualize this in a web simulation. The simulation was written in threejs and can be found at Ideal Gas Simulation

Dodecahedron Moon

This is a 3D printed design of the moon (real topography from NASA Moon Kit) broken into the curved hexagonal faces of a dodecahedron. The whole design is held together by force-fit magnets. The full 12 STL files will be posted soon at Printables.

Part 1 Printed

Frequency Difference

An exploration of the intersection of quadrics. Frequency difference (doppler difference) from a location to two different moving sensors can be modeled as two intersecting cones with related cone angles. Set to the music of Hans Zimmer, it can be quite mesmerizing.

CGI Sandbox

An exploration of CGI with drone footage. So far done only with Blender motion tracking. Hopefully evolving over the coming months. Drone footage courtesy of my buddy Greg.

Intersecting Hyperboloids

A visualization of two intersecting hyperboloids with one of their foci shared. It is interesting to note that the intersection pencil will always intersect the plane formed by the three foci at a right angle.

Time Difference Visualization

A visualization of a time difference surface made in Blender.

Alexa-Enabled Maze Solving Robot

Alexa Enabled Maze Solving Robot - An entry into a contest to link Amazon Alexa Gadgets to Lego Mindstorms. I made a robot that you gave instructions to via Alexa to help it solve a Lego maze.